Venice 2019

The Greek shadow

The Greek shadow

My assignment was an interdimensional one, after a long time… I had to decline in taking this kind of assignments because of the energy drain that is caused to the photographic investigator by travelling to different dimensions and through time. But this one was very interesting -and I was feeling very strong and full of energy, after all. The portal was in the greek pavilion of the Venice Biennale -like so many are- and it was active only the last day of the Biennale. My task was to photographically investigate and follow a greek shadow that remained greek despite the nationality of the person who was casting it. It was taking their form, but not their nationality. Which, I guess was a tangible proof that nationality is not a real thing…

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Walking in Space

Walking in Space

A photographic investigator is always walking in space, although she knows that space is an illusion. But illusions have the ability to take beautiful forms and sometimes even magnificent forms like the illusion that is named Venice. Like all illusions, Venice is very personal. And I personally have to wonder how a photographic investigator who seeks loneliness and seclusion, creates illusions of places walked and lived by people and then photographically investigates mostly that people, rarely keeping her distance -unlike the present photographic investigation… Maybe the illusion called Venice is a purely 4th dimensional reality that reflects the preferences of a higher self . Like the Basilica di San Marco reflects itself in the acqua alta waters…

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