
Window shopping in Athens

Window shopping in Athens

So many times I have talked about the dangers of moving too often between dimensions and time lines when photographically investigating people, stories, possible events or concepts, like I do. And God knows I had passed the limit. If anyone would have asked at any time, I would've completely rejected the possibility of doing it again, unless for going back to pre colombian Peru or pre captain Cook Hawai'i. Well, I did anyway it for Athens, my home city, a place I usually hate, a place I am bound -don't ask me by what- to return to. Of course the reason wasn't real, it was just a department store's spring window decorations. But what is real anyway?

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(I'm) In a Venice state of mind

(I'm) In a Venice state of mind

The good thing about the states of mind (there are many bad ones as well, but I am not focusing on them) is that you can be in them whenever you want -which in the venetian state of mind case is constantly. A photographic investigator also knows that being constantly in a state of mind transports you physically to the place that this state of mind is connected with. Travel or relocation is a lot easier and faster this way. 

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Burano Burano

Burano Burano

A photographic investigation in a parallel italian island-universe where every day is laundry day... everywhere. I was there to investigate laundries, obviously. Many of them go undetected by the untrained tourist eye... but they are lurking in the most unusual places as well as in the most obvious. An interesting quiz would be: "Try NOT to find the laundry". 

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The Nevada Inn

The Nevada Inn

Gran Canyon was my next stop. I stayed in the Nevada Inn. A special place because it's orientation was such that everything and everybody was bathed in shades of Gran Canyon orange, the colour of Nevada -as I was told by the two girls that I ended up investigating. Old habits die hard.

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It's a mystic word. A promise. The first December morning coffee is proven to have magic powers and a trancsedental quality. A photographic investigator finds it very difficult to shoot a subject who drinks her first December morning coffee in black&white. Everything turns into colour. Sometimes you have to resign. Love, warmth, togetherness, friendship, protection are now not impossible notions. Even a photographic investigator must have faith in something...

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