
You can hide, but you can't run...

You can hide, but you can't run...

This was the password phrase. I was investigating "The woman without a face", a notorious and mysterious ufologist and ancient civilisations specialist who had recently made a groundbreaking discovery… She was hiding in Plain Sight, a coffee shop that everybody could see but only the password would get you in. It was a 4 shots investigation and I can say one thing with certainty: she had beautiful hands. 

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More cats...

More cats...

The cats that helped me with my assignment in the greek islands haven’t said their last word. It seems that there were some shots of them that I had forgotten. They were hidden in a secret file of a lost archive of a destroyed mobile phone - a photographic investigator uses all the potential tools that has in her disposal at the time of the investigation. The cats informed me about their existence and the long and adventurous search of them begun… After almost 2 years, we succeeded to recover them. And here they are!

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Cookies and cream

Cookies and cream

Photographing people drinking coffee or smoking is a routine for a photographic investigator… Photographing them eating cookies on the other hand is more challenging and a great deal more revealing. One way or the other, most photographic subjects have mastered the art of gesturing while enjoying a coffee or a smoke. Cookies are more unconventional. But I think much more enjoyable both for my subjects and me. 

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"New shoes & hanging out"

"New shoes & hanging out"

That was the name of the 2 girl rock band I was investigating a few months ago. They were very reluctant to have their faces photographed. Not their feet, though… And what would be more appropriate, considering the name of their band? In fact, one of them had indeed new shoes, while the other one was just "hangin' out" shoeless. Coincidence? Nobody will ever know.

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Ferry me away

Ferry me away

My new assignment was to photographically investigate the lead actor of a movie that was been filmed on a greek ferry boat. I had 6 hours to find him and capture him -with my lens, of course… He was elusive, but when an experienced photographic investigator is presented with a similar situation, she just shoots silhouette. There were no instructions for the contrary, so everyone was happy.

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The movie and the screen

The movie and the screen

A photographic investigator sooner or later realises that there is a distinction between the screen upon which a movie is projected and the movie itself. Many things happen in that movie and many feelings are evoked to the poor viewer, but the screen remain unchangeable. In times of pressure or general fear and anxiety, a photographic investigator always reminds herself: “Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists…”

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Not lost and found

Not lost and found

Photographic investigations, just like their subjects -the people- are never lost. They are always where they are. But very often they found themselves outside of a photographic investigator’s present dimension - but a photographic investigator is an apt dimension crosser. So inevitably they will meet. Just like it happened with this investigation. It was November of 2019 in the planet of Venice, after the great “acqua alta”…

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The code name for this assignment was “Magnificat” (My soul magnifies the Lord). Immediately the reality of something that Lester Levenson pointed out struck me: that when you dive into the very core of a feeling, you will observe that nothing is really there. Like looking at a magnified object. The more magnified it is, the less detectable it is. My subject was a heiress experiencing an intense feeling of unease and dissatisfaction about the fact that she had to pursue studies in theology in order to receive the 24 billion dollars that were hers… A photographic investigator must let her subjects realise the truth on their own, though.

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Quantum entanglements

Quantum entanglements

I was investigating a classic type of entanglement: things that were happening in February suddenly appeared to be announced in a poster of last year’s October. My subjects thought that it was a mistake because they thought that nothing moves faster than the speed of light. Although quantum physics is an essential part of a photographic investigator’s life (especially an inter-dimensional one), it’s knowledge is not mandatory requirement in being qualified as a potential subject. Thank God.

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Endless supply

Endless supply

A photographic investigator knows -after having watched numerous subjects- that Florence Scovel Shinn has been right all along: There is an immediate supply for every demand if you show active faith. That means, being sure that everything you desire or require is already on your pathway and giving thanks for this endless supply that is at your disposal at any time. Acting on faith, if a subjects needs money, she buys a bigger wallet, if she wants an adventurous travel she buys an amazing suitcase, if she wants success, she assumes the quality of a successful person. “I see clearly my inexhaustible supply” is her mantra.

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Something new, something wonderful

Something new, something wonderful

Prentice Mulford said: “The man -or woman- who succeeds must always in mind or imagination, live, move, think and act as if he -or she- had gained that success, or he -or she- will never gain it”. I was hired to photographically investigate Zenobia’s journey to the manifestation of her desires. “Something new, something wonderful” was the theme of the investigation. And a photographic investigator helps her subjects through manifestation having faith in them. “Faith is the power to believe and the power to see”, Prentice Mulford also said…

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New though = new life

New though = new life

A photographic investigator is mostly interested the renewing of their mind while observing the renewing of their subjects mind, emerging fresh and vibrant after every photographic investigation. Complete forgetfulness seems to have a lot to do with this renewing… Like Prentice Mulford, in his book “Your forces and how to use them”, says: “To learn to forget is as necessary and useful as to learn to remember. We think of many things every day which it would be more profitable not to think of at all. To be able to forget is to be able to drive away the unseen force (thought) which is injuring us, and change it for a force (or order of thought) to benefit us.”

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Time to write a different story

Time to write a different story

A photographic investigator knows that her subjects have been instructed, early in their life, to start constructing a story about themselves -enriched over the years with bits of experience, failures, successes, oppressed feelings and desires- and then believe it to be true. So naturally they get trapped in that story, rarely managing to escape it’s limitations. But she also knows that in a twinkling of the eye this truth can be realised and the subjects can write a different story, preferably one of harmony, radiance, health, wealth, love and perfect self expression. A happy story.

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Zenobian moods

Zenobian moods

Zenobia is not just the name of the warrior queen of Palmyra (or of her incarnation) but is also the name of a distant planet. It’s inhabitants have no real existence - they are various moods that make their presence known only by attaching themselves to the matching vibration of a visitor. I took my subject with me in yet another inter-dimensional journey in order to photographically investigate these Zenobian moods. You can see the results of my investigation.

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