This was the password phrase. I was investigating "The woman without a face", a notorious and mysterious ufologist and ancient civilisations specialist who had recently made a groundbreaking discovery… She was hiding in Plain Sight, a coffee shop that everybody could see but only the password would get you in. It was a 4 shots investigation and I can say one thing with certainty: she had beautiful hands.
My latest assignment was a girl-wonder named Natalia, the daughter of a well investigated subject of mine, Nadia. She was the protagonist of many of my previous photographic investigations like “The girl from Ipanema”, “The long good bye”, “The fantastic smile method” and a few others… Nadia was back and along came the amazing child who made it clear, only a few moments into our first encounter, that she was a photographic investigator herself. I immediately foresaw many more fruitful photographic encounters. Who would be photographically investigating who now, is a whole new subject by itself.
In between investigations, listening to the Xanadu soundtrack and drinking black coffee, dreaming of Christmas magic, miracles, abundance of all good things and seeing guardian angels shining their sparkle all around me... But most of all, being grateful... Someone should seriously think about introducing Thanksgiving instead of Black Friday in our little place of the world. My photographic investigations are certainly more fruitful around subjects that are thankful as opposed to subjects that are fighting in order to buy very cheap things...
“The girl gave him a look which ought to have stuck at least four inches out of his back.” I am just quoting Raymond Chandler in "The long goodbye". I was in Ipanema again and the girl was saying goodbye. She was not originally my subject but she became one of the best ones, I must say… She will be missed.
This was the password phrase. I was investigating "The woman without a face", a notorious and mysterious ufologist and ancient civilisations specialist who had recently made a groundbreaking discovery… She was hiding in Plain Sight, a coffee shop that everybody could see but only the password would get you in. It was a 4 shots investigation and I can say one thing with certainty: she had beautiful hands.
She came out of a Bollywood movie just for a quick cold coffee with some of her funs, in a athenian suburb… I happened to be there for another case… I didn't let this opportunity go wasted. Her name was Leela (play) Chanda (pleasant) and when she dissapeared she left behind a mesmerising scent of sandalwood.
These are some high contrast jpg shots taken with the Ricoh GR… Completely unprocessed. I am impressed, because I was always shooting raw. It's like the feeling you have when you discover forgotten money in a pocket… Very cool.
... She didn't know she was the kind of girl you meet in a film noir's hot summer day passing through a gas station or a general store, the kind of girl you ask for directions, or if she has seen the guy you're looking for… She didn't know she was the sunny kind of girl that fate had put in that particular spot as a last effort to make you abandon the search and go back… Because if you are a film noir hero, when you find what you're looking for, you wish you didn't… Her name was Sunday and that proved that there are no coincidences...