We were told to expect them. Every photographic investigator was preparing for the arrival of the little people from outer -or inner- space. But none of them was as blessed as I was with valuable faithful helpers and mysterious clue providers. The message came written in a piece of kitchen paper roll: “They are well dressed”. So I started photographically investigating shops for extremely well dressed little people.
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My latest assignment was a girl-wonder named Natalia, the daughter of a well investigated subject of mine, Nadia. She was the protagonist of many of my previous photographic investigations like “The girl from Ipanema”, “The long good bye”, “The fantastic smile method” and a few others… Nadia was back and along came the amazing child who made it clear, only a few moments into our first encounter, that she was a photographic investigator herself. I immediately foresaw many more fruitful photographic encounters. Who would be photographically investigating who now, is a whole new subject by itself.
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