


My latest assignment was a girl-wonder named Natalia, the daughter of a well investigated subject of mine, Nadia. She was the protagonist of many of my previous photographic investigations like “The girl from Ipanema”, “The long good bye”, “The fantastic smile method” and a few others… Nadia was back and along came the amazing child who made it clear, only a few moments into our first encounter, that she was a photographic investigator herself. I immediately foresaw many more fruitful photographic encounters. Who would be photographically investigating who now, is a whole new subject by itself.

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I'm a fool to want you

I'm a fool to want you

We were listening to Donald Byrd's version of "I'm a fool to want you" and the shadows were very inspiring... So I decided to photographically investigate what would happen if we were shooting an hypothetical cover for the song, as a single. It was one of these autumn afternoons where everyone has a different version of what is going on. But don't they ever... My subject was impeccable, although she preferred Tom Jones' version. Oh well... 

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