
You can hide, but you can't run...

You can hide, but you can't run...

This was the password phrase. I was investigating "The woman without a face", a notorious and mysterious ufologist and ancient civilisations specialist who had recently made a groundbreaking discovery… She was hiding in Plain Sight, a coffee shop that everybody could see but only the password would get you in. It was a 4 shots investigation and I can say one thing with certainty: she had beautiful hands. 

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A pearl of great price

A pearl of great price

I was investigating the case of a pearl that was in the possession of a beautiful blonde girl. To buy this pearl one had to sell everything they had, to abandon everything they believed in. The task of the girl was to hand it over to it’s rightful owners. The pearl was one, but at the same there was an endless supply of them.

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Strangest things...

Strangest things...

It was the beginning of fall and I somehow got obsessed with the series "Stranger things". Maybe my 80's childhood was to blame, who knows... And then, in between my ET and Poltergeist memories there was this unpublished photographic investigation that I did in Giudecca, in May... What I was actually investigating is not of importance now, only the fact that I suddenly discovered an otherwordly ambiance to it -combined with the fact that the sea weeds made me think of the "upside down world"... 

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The Glass Tower Mystery

The Glass Tower Mystery

That was my only clue.  For some reason, the day this phrase came written in a piece of paper inside an envelope in my poste restante in Switzerland, all I could get myself to do was to photographically investigate this girl... Intuition is one of the most useful tools of a photographic investigator, so instead of forcing myself in an aimless search, I ordered another coffee and investigated her even more. She was discussing a mysterious phenomenon that was occurring every time that she entered a specific building,  a glass tower in the outskirts of Geneva... There was a decadent "texture" or "colour" in the way she described the building and the people in it -and the fact that the second she was stepping inside it, a terrible headache was attacking her. Her friends stressed all the possible theories that could explain the phenomenon, from the electromagnetic fields energy to some peoples bad vibes... but she knew (and I knew as well) that there was something else going on... Of course all the symptoms disappeared the moment she entered her house, a small castle-like building that her father had build especially for her.  It was called "The Angel's Cave"... There was much more to be investigated there, so I committed myself to solve The Glass Tower Mystery -and for that reason I cancelled my trip to Venice, where Mister Minimal and the other members of his infamous -to a selected few of course- secret society were waiting for me... TO BE CONTINUED...

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Me and them (again)...

Me and them (again)...

Another classic case of letting fellow investigators think they investigate you while you investigate them... same place, different people... Sometimes I catch myself wondering if there are ever any people behind that mirror glass though, and what could they be thinking or doing while we are engaged in our investigations believing we are the only ones there... 

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The gondolier's house

The gondolier's house

It was the day when 6 of my most mysterious and dangerous subjects, Il Mister, The Fox, The Muse, El Guapo, Eleonora Krane and Jackie'O Can had a secret meeting in Venice. A new, seventh member would be introduced to their circle. All I had to investigate was when and where the meeting would take place. My intuition didn't fail me… As I was walking around, I found myself looking at a house. A gondolier's mother obviously had just finished her laundry, I thought,  because 7 gondolier's shirts were hanging by the rope… I knew I was in the right place the right time. 

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Blade runner

Blade runner

I felt a little like one… Of course my mission was completely different -and I wasn't Deckard, although she looked a lot like Rachael… I had to follow her from Paris to the little island of Giudeca, in Venice. She was beautiful and she looked slightly sad and very innocent, but I didn't feel guilty. After all, my mission was not only to investigate her but to protect her as well. This time I had to use the help of two of my associates -the Fox and the Mister. They were old subjects of mine that became good friends and valuable colleagues. Both male and very attractive, they were the perfect decoy… Beautiful women rarely say no to handsome male photographers who offer to make their portraits. I called, they responded, and so we proceeded. It was a complete success. Although in my shots it seems like she is sometimes looking at my lens, the truth is that she didn't even glance at me. I don't think she saw me at all. Of course the fact that I was equipped only with my faithful Ricoh GR, helped a lot. Big lenses have a strong impact on beautiful subjects. I felt invisible, totally absent and powerful. Something you couldn't say about Deckard… 

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The mystery of the Vappa Light Drive

The mystery of the Vappa Light Drive

The Vappa Light is essential to space and especially, time travel. It is the only known -to a very few, I assure you- way to cross great distances, not only interstellar and inter dimensional,  but also emotional and psychic, in both space and time, without serious consequences. Not very serious anyway… Because time travel has always some consequences. The Vappa Light Drive has it's own will and only when it agrees with the will and the intentions of it's "user" something can happen. It can be approached in a few very distinct and very mystical places around the world and fate has led me to one of it's sources, following a tip about a job. It was a routine photographic investigation, but, what I did not know at the time was that I would be given the opportunity to "catch" my subject moments before a Vappa Light trip would take place. In the shots you can see the traveller girl bathing in it. A few moments later she disappeared. 

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You can hide, but you can't run...

You can hide, but you can't run...

This was the password phrase. I was investigating "The woman without a face", a notorious and mysterious ufologist and ancient civilisations specialist who had recently made a groundbreaking discovery… She was hiding in Plain Sight, a coffee shop that everybody could see but only the password would get you in. It was a 4 shots investigation and I can say one thing with certainty: she had beautiful hands. 

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Windows and walls

Windows and walls

I was killing time between cases, so I decided to take a walk around Acropolis, in Athens. The title is just  a Dan Fogelberg song that I was listening inside my head when I was taking these shots… It could very well have been something like "in the shadow of Acropolis", but what can you do? A P.I.'s mind is weird, to say the least… 

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