The Glass Tower Mystery

That was my only clue.  For some reason, the day this phrase came written in a piece of paper inside an envelope in my poste restante in Switzerland, all I could get myself to do was to photographically investigate this girl... Intuition is one of the most useful tools of a photographic investigator, so instead of forcing myself in an aimless search, I ordered another coffee and investigated her even more. She was discussing a mysterious phenomenon that was occurring every time that she entered a specific building,  a glass tower in the outskirts of Geneva... There was a decadent "texture" or "colour" in the way she described the building and the people in it -and the fact that the second she was stepping inside it, a terrible headache was attacking her. Her friends stressed all the possible theories that could explain the phenomenon, from the electromagnetic fields energy to some peoples bad vibes... but she knew (and I knew as well) that there was something else going on... Of course all the symptoms disappeared the moment she entered her house, a small castle-like building that her father had build especially for her.  It was called "The Angel's Cave"... There was much more to be investigated there, so I committed myself to solve The Glass Tower Mystery -and for that reason I cancelled my trip to Venice, where Mister Minimal and the other members of his infamous -to a selected few of course- secret society were waiting for me... TO BE CONTINUED...