I was about to watch a 1929 classic black and white film called “The locked door”, starring Barbara Stanwyck, when someone slipped a handwritten note under my door -that was also locked… My mysterious employers had not given me any sign of life for the last two years and I was worried that our secret operations had been revealed to the wrong people. I was in no danger, of course, but I had missed my secret assignments. My faithful helpers, Juanita and Lupe were begging me for some action. I guess cat’s wishes are more rapidly answered… The note provided me with clues about a beautiful, wealthy young woman, which I was supposed to photographically investigate immediately, as she was about to return to Crete -for some nefarious business, I am sure. It was easy. She was suspicious at first, but then, my ability to open locked doors was the one that had made me famous in my field.
In almost half of my photographic investigations my subjects have to be hunted down, trapped or deceived even, in order to reveal the secret that my mysterious employers hire me to unveil. And as you know, most of the times that secret is unknown to me and I have to work following clues and hints. So, every assignment is in a way, the shooting of a film noir, following an improvised scenario that me and my subjects write and direct on the spot. But in the great majority of the cases the subjects are clearly in a “fight or flight” mode, so there is action and suspense as I try to “convince” them -with great subtlety, of course- to get into a “stay and play” mode. This photographic investigation was different though, in more than one ways. The one you are allowed to know is that this subject was a chameleon -as you will see in my following posts- , she knew I was investigating her and she had no fear. her natural state was already :stay and play”. Undoubtedly, a challenge for a photographic investigator like me… But them, I can handle anything…
A photographic investigator realises, sooner or later, that when one goes expecting a double trouble, they usually find a triple one. There is always a subject willing to be a part of the investigation, which is never a problem for me. Besides, either a subject has been investigated many times or none at all, it's the same. Every photographic investigation is the first investigation. The music of the investigation was hawaiian... Keola Beamer was playing - 'Imi Au Ia 'Oe... "I am searching for you".
There is a space in between shifts that it's size and length in the time/space construct not only is unfixed, but, as anything that includes the concept of time, is very subjective, psychological, even. The job of a photographic investigator is not to unveil it's mysteries, but to fully take advantage of it.
MM had secret powers. Powers one would call magical or supernatural. When extremely pressured, she could see -simultaneously- visions of 8 different versions (or "parallel realities") of the life of the person that was sitting in front of her. My job was to investigate her thoroughly -therefore to put great pressure on her, psychological or otherwise. I didn't have much time to prepare, so I had to improvise with what I had handy that day. I locked myself in an empty room with her and started to sing all my favourite bluegrass songs -with vigor! (These first shots were taken at the beginning of my performance, which is why she looks so courageous and cool...) Of course she cracked after 25 minutes, while I was in the middle of one my Alison Krauss and the Union Station's favourites: "Oh My Lord"... It's true I was merciless but at the same time merciful and kinda compassionate... I released her after she revealed to me that in one of my parallel lives I was working as a photographic investigator -and a surf teacher- in the beautiful Caribbean island of Guadeloupe... I needed no more. I released her, knowing that I had to concentrate immediately to my next project: "Switching realities". More about that on a future blog post...
The oracle was consulted because the situation was unclear. In cases like this an experienced photographic investigator asks help from her Higher Self through her favourite divinatory method. This time for me it was the I-Ching. The hexagram 31 it was then: "The Influence of the Strong Over the Weak". "All success in human relationships depends upon the proper attraction between persons. The leader is attracted to his followers and the followers are attracted to the leader. The strong are attracted to the weak and the weak are attracted to the strong". And the maxim: "When seeking advice, a person must remain open-minded and receptive". Suddenly it was all very clear.
I was hired to investigate a strange love exhaling group in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It's members were practising love exhaling exercises, under the pretext of the widely encouraged act of smoking. Smoking was cool and "safe" whereas acts of love weren't. The method consisted in inhaling all the pain and misery and the dark shades of the world -or of the surrounding environment- visualising them transforming into light and exhaling then as pure love (although in the eyes of many it looked just like exhaling smoke). One of my favourite assignments, since I love learning new skills while photographically investigating… Which reminds me… I have to go practise my exercises now…
Just a routine photographic investigation that took place in New York, about a woman named Eve who was always in the company of her faithful bodyguard -and friend- Kay B. My subject was the Eve woman, but my gut told me it was all about the bodyguard...
That's what her brand of cigarettes was called. They were triggering her ability to disappear whenever she wanted to. That was her special gift. And that's why she had escaped the attention of other photographic investigators for so long. Not mine of course. The task was simple. Shoot her the moment she disappears and wait to see her reappear… because disappearing is understood, it's the reappearing that puzzled me. The mission was a success, but, then, you will never know if I am telling the truth. And I hope that you will also find it hard to believe that I have stolen some of her cigarettes while she was gone…
Bill Evans Trio was playing "It might as well be spring"on the radio. It was 1962 in a parallel dimension and the beginning of December was resembling more like the end of March. Her name was Martha Jones and she enjoyed her cold coffee in the middle of this springlike winter along with a cigarette. Cigarette smoking was strongly encouraged at this time in this dimension and that was making my investigations much more easy, because subjects are more relaxed when they smoke. I never rally knew who she was, but that wasn't my job anyway.