I was photographically investigating a fellow photographic investigator who was cursed with betrayal in her relationships and she always had monochrome summers. It was a repeating theme -karmic, according to her- to which she had resigned a long time ago. She was very rich but by then she knew not to show her wealth to people whom she suspected not to be sincere. This summer her life was full of them, as always. But she was blessed with a faithful helper, a mysterious creature who cared for her and always revealed to her what she couldn’t see. So I followed her to her summer retreat, a mysterious, minimal, monochrome dimension in the greek islands, where she went to be invisible. And she was.
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A photographic investigator does is not engaged all the time in traveling between dimensions or through time… She has mundane tasks to fulfil, just like any other “non photographic investigator” being. In that case I was reviewing a photographic investigation that took place some days before while I was steaming some organic broccoli and potatoes for my mother, listening at the same time an audiobook by Emily Cady, where telepathy was mentioned. My subject was a secret agent from a different time-space (I had investigated her so many times before but she always managed to surprise me). My conclusion (which came as an epiphany) after many investigations I did on her, was that surrealism and lack of coherence seemed to slow her down, giving me more time to photographically investigate her before she disappeared. Thus the title .
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It was the 15th of August and I was photographically investigating the usual suspects, while preparing myself for a long trip to Rio. I was reading Neville Goddard’s “Prayer: The art of believing” and I found myself reading the same excerpt again and again: “Subjectively, the object of your desire is never far off. Rather, it’s intense nearness makes it remote from the observation of the senses. It dwell’s in consciousness and consciousness is closer than breathing and nearer than your hands and your feet”. Exactly like the objects of my photographic investigations…
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In reality I am talking about this wonderful August, with it’s sudden cool breeze that made me feel like I was walking on the shore… My subjects were ready to depart for their summer holiday and although their bodies were still here, their thoughts were totally there. I wasn’t investigating anything in particular, it was just a lazy Sunday in between assignments and I was grateful for the summer, for life, the universe and everything…
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Greek summers can be wonderfully minimal and when a photographic investigator gets called for an assignment from a caribbean to a greek summer, they better make the best of it. That’s what I did.
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