
Mona Lisa's symmetry

She was known to the photographic investigators circles as "La Gioconda" because the man who was obsessively chasing her was convinced that she had a relation to the famous Leonardo's model… Of course his conviction was well established after years of investigations and the study of numerous family trees… I came much later to the case and my job was to take several shots of her while she was hanging around with friends in Europe. If you've asked me, I would definitely say that she had a resemblance with the most mysterious and intriguing female portrait in history. And there was also something else about her… She had a "symmetry" in all of her existence. The way she moved, the way she was standing, the way she was smoking. Her secret was well hidden under a "girl next door" attitude. But I knew. Did she? My employer never said… 

Don't look now

Don't look now

Venice and a red coat. Nicolas Roeg 1973 movie comes to mind… I'm still a great deal scared of Venice because of it. My subject had a red coat and was always looking at something: a camera, a cell phone, an art installation or something strange (that explain's why she was looking at me). It just made me wanna shout: "Don't look now!" but instead I took some shots. 

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The woman from Morocco

The woman from Morocco

Another mysterious character I was hired to investigate. I picked up a very bright sunny day to do that… and I managed to make her sunglasses disappear… But she was very resourceful, as you can see. Nobody really knew anything about her… Only that she travelled a lot… Was she dangerous? Maybe? Was I scared? You will never know.

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The secret of Jackie O'Can (part I)

The secret of Jackie O'Can (part I)

She belonged in one of the most infamous secret societies of Venice. According to my well informed connections she occupied a key role in the "Mister's" circle, a group of enigmatic, mysterious individuals that roamed about this beautiful city, keeping their purpose well hidden. Of course I knew who they were and what they were doing. But to find out, I had to  take the most sacred vow of secrecy that exists in my profession, not to mention that one word slipping from my mouth would fatally compromise Juanita and Lupe, my most valuable assistants. The "Mister" was not kidding… 

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There is much and at the same time nothing at all to be said about the power of the facial expressions. For the photographic investigator, it's a full time job. For the lover of the human experience and human nature, a challenge. And for some, a powerful tool. The latter ones are usually the subjects of my investigations… 

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On the subject of beauty

On the subject of beauty

There is nothing to be said, really. Beauty is like true art: it makes you stop, dissolves your thoughts, makes you look at things like a child looks at things, with eyes wide open, receptive, with no preconceptions, like for the first time. Some of my subjects have that meditative effect on me… they make me see connections between everything that exists… Put the blame on me...

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The fantastic smile method

The fantastic smile method

During my photographic investigations I came to the conclusion that the easiest way to get a fantastic smile is to get very close. Because a fantastic smile is one that cannot be helped and therefore cannot be faked. I would advise, though, my fellow photographic investigators to use their intuition before getting too close. Because what in one person could trigger a smile, in another one could trigger a reflex movement of an arm or leg due to the fear of being forced to give a fantastic smile. And this could have catastrophic consequences on a PI's camera. 

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The Italian connection

The Italian connection

When an iconic photograph of a famous, but relatively newly discovered photographer disappeared from Momma, New York's top art curators knew for the first time what real panic felt like. I was sensing their fear. I could feel it in my bones. I admit it felt kinda nice… I knew it was a matter of time before the phone rang. And it did, later that night. The Italian connection was on. Of course, I have suspected that too… The only woman -the only person to be more accurate- in the western world that could retrieve a lost art treasure in less than 48 hours, was coming to Athens. It was believed that the photograph was there. I was hired -as I usually am- to follow her and document her work, without her knowing who I really was… What else was knew? Was I working for Momma? Was I working for the smugglers? You will never know.

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An interview with Kay B.

It was really a pretext so I could get close to her. As usual, I was hired to investigate her. I didn't know why, only that she was a writer and a musician. I had to read her short stories and listen to her music and make her talk to me. What she didn't know was that it was really her pictures that were doing the talking. But I couldn't tell her that. I am often wondering about my employers motives when they send me to photographically investigate someone… I have managed to realise one thing: they know more about my subjects then what these subjects know about themselves. And of course that on the other hand there is always me... That all I really know about anything, is nothing. 

Waiting in Venice

Waiting in Venice

Waiting is never easy… especially if you don't like it. I usually shoot my subjects in B&W but this time my subject was missing. I was doomed to wait and wander. Things could be worst, I thought… I could be in any other city of the world… But I was in Venice. I decided to have some fun. Intense colours seemed appropriate. I took the chance, hoping my clients wouldn't hold it against me. How would they know, anyway? 

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The man in between

The man in between

He was there, no doubt about that, but it was obvious to me that he was a projection from a parallel dimension. In my photographic investigations I have come very often across incidents like that-some call them "accidents", but not me. I knew how to recognise the "trespassers". The trick was to look at them with the corner of your eye. Then you could see them standing in both places. Everywhere and nowhere. I shot him. That was my job. 

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"New shoes & hanging out"

"New shoes & hanging out"

That was the name of the 2 girl rock band I was investigating a few months ago. They were very reluctant to have their faces photographed. Not their feet, though… And what would be more appropriate, considering the name of their band? In fact, one of them had indeed new shoes, while the other one was just "hangin' out" shoeless. Coincidence? Nobody will ever know.

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The girl from Ipanema

The girl from Ipanema

Ipanema was the name of the bar. She was working there. Not in the morning when I took these shots, though… she was in Ipanema for some other business. I was there for her.  I recognised her by her tattoos. I had to investigate and if I thought it necessary, to shoot her. I did. For a strange reason I always thought of a blond girl whenever I listened to that song… Well… who knows how a P.I.'s mind works? Certainly not me… 

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Totally unprocessed… I'm impressed!

Totally unprocessed… I'm impressed!

These are some high contrast jpg shots taken with the Ricoh GR… Completely unprocessed. I am impressed, because I was always shooting raw. It's like the feeling you have when you discover forgotten money in a pocket… Very cool. 

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