
Magazines & other routines

Magazines & other routines

Magazines rime with routines mostly because you read a magazine whilst you get on with your usual routine... Having coffee, smoking, laying on the beach or in bed, commuting on a bus or train... Simple things that a keen photographic investigator notices... 

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The Year of the Fire Rooster

The Year of the Fire Rooster

A good year to achieve photographic investigation goals and to investigate interesting, mysterious people... But this is also a year that a photographic investigator like me, who is born under the sign of the Rooster, is supposed to wear always something red -with the option of red underwear that someone gave her as a present- to avoid bad luck. What can I say... I don't like to wear red, so it must be the underwear option. Life was unbelievably much easier when I thought that this would be my lucky year. Now I must ask someone to give me my birthday present in advance. Red underwear... 

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Somewhere in time

Somewhere in time

Another time travel assignment for Angie Stergio Photographic Investigations, but this time I brought my subject to my current timeline instead of going in hers... Too much time travel can mess with your energy levels, and mine where at a critical point. She was kind enough to come to my bleak reality and I am grateful to her for it... Plus, she brought with her some of the ambiance of her time and that could never go wrong... 

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The Golden Girl

The Golden Girl

She was working on a top secret "James Bond" style kind of tracking device that could be attached to a cigarette... Her code name was "The Golden Girl" because she loved James Bond movies and in her leisure time she liked to experiment with golden paint -that explained the fact that all the furniture in her house were painted gold and her shoes always left a golden trace wherever she went. I would like to tell her that she should probably adopt a lower profile -maybe a silver one- while she was working as a spy, but my job was to track and photographically investigate her. Golden vibrations are very powerful, I thought, so she wasn't without protection... 

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The Age of Love

The Age of Love

Many times a photographic investigator thinks of her investigations and her subjects as dancers in a musical or participants in a mystical party... And the question arises: In case the DJ puts the Age of Love on, would it be the Jam & Spoon or the Stella remix? One more great puzzle awaits for an answer. 

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It's magic

It's magic

In between investigations, listening to the Xanadu soundtrack and drinking black coffee, dreaming of Christmas magic, miracles, abundance of all good things and seeing guardian angels shining their sparkle all around me... But most of all, being grateful... Someone should seriously think about introducing Thanksgiving instead of Black Friday in our little place of the world. My photographic investigations are certainly more fruitful around subjects that are thankful as opposed to subjects that are fighting in order to buy very cheap things... 

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She was named after the infamous Mali tribe and she frequented a bar named Sirius... And I don't believe in coincidences... It goes without saying that she was a woman of mystery and many hidden talents. My assignment was to follow, befriend and photographically investigate her in order to discover clues about a hidden treasure. Was it hers, was it a legacy, was it mystical, ancient or stolen? I was dying to find out because since my first investigative steps, as a child, I was always looking for treasures. And although I would be very well satisfied with gold or diamonds, I suspected from the start that it was about something else, much more precious, much more subtle. I got to work fast, because I was promised a 25% cut on that treasure. The investigation is still ongoing. 

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The reality project

The reality project

Photographically investigating people who aren't real -but they think they are- is a challenge... Who knows... maybe I am being investigated myself right now. How do I know for sure that I am real? When the question really arises, answering it becomes a true challenge... You should try it yourself! 

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Coffee & astrology

Coffee & astrology

Astrology for coffee is like sympathy for tea... a perfect match that doesn't exclude the presence of an occasional cigarette which promotes a deeper understanding of the planetary movements. Besides, investigating an astrology reader is always more fun over coffee. My assignment was to investigate the moment of realisation that the prediction were correct, and I think it went pretty well... 

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La Nuit américaine

La Nuit américaine

My intention was to fool my employers that this investigation had taken place at night somewhere in Giudecca, in Venice... My subject, a woman of mystery, didn't give me any trouble, it was almost as if we had planned a photo shooting... Truffaut's film gave me the idea for the deception but I couldn't go through with it... Underexposing an underexposed situation seemed to me ironic and pointless... It wouldn't be the first time that an investigation would take a different twist... I decided to follow that one to see where it goes... 

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The elusive Mister Minimal

The elusive Mister Minimal

Mister Minimal had a whole chapter for himself in my photographic investigations' book... Elusive, mysterious, a published photographer, very rich and very loved, he was called by many "The King of Venice". He was also one of my favourite subjects and a very lucky man. Let's face it: being investigates 3-4 times a year by a photographic investigator as myself is a rare thing! Mister Minimal always knows when he is being investigated but never shows it. That's one of the things that make him a great subject. As well as the fact that he likes to walk ahead of everybody, preferably in empty narrow streets, so his minimalism is easy to capture. Mister Minimal's photographic style is a projection of his true self. Beautiful minimal black and white empty spaces that suggest a welcoming heart, an unprejudiced mind and an openness of spirit. And although my sources tell me that from time to time he is letting the troubles of his earthly existence carry him in the crowded frames of worry and fear, I can always see him walking the sunlit path of great, pure, yet elusive, minimalism... 

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Weekend cat story

Weekend cat story

Weekends are sometimes made of unmade beds, messy kitchens, realising that the things you forgot to put in the supermarket list were the most important after all, and one or two cats running up and down, providing that "je ne sais quoi" quality that would turn a fairly manageable  situation into a complete chaos... meet Juanita Romero Vargas Stergio, one of my two faithful helpers in the photographic investigation business... 

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Helen of Troy

Helen of Troy

She wasn't responsible for a war but I had to investigate her all the same... Another mysterious figure that was easier to locate than I thought... I just had to go to Troy, a great publishing house in Santiago, Chile. An experienced photographic investigator like me is always ready to defy jet lag and circadian circles to complete her mission. She was  renown writer of fantasy novels and an exquisite cook. I had read the novels but never tried the food, so it was imperative that this investigation would  be a close one. So I met her, befriended her, investigated her and, yes, I enjoyed her cooking. An delicious investigation, to say the least... 

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Let's face the music and dance...

Let's face the music and dance...

There may be trouble ahead
But while there's music and moonlight and love and romance
Let's face the music and dance

Before the fiddlers have fled
Before they ask us to pay the bill and while we still have the chance
Let's face the music and dance

Soon we'll be without the moon, humming a different tune and then
There may be teardrops to shed
So while there's moonlight and music and love and romance
Let's face the music and dance

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I was investigating a telenovela producer who had an unusual vision: create a telenovela without intrigues, without passions and lies and without suspense. He had decided that her series would be about loving friends and their encounters at work, having coffee, smoking, talking about their cats and writing philosophy articles... No desperate love affairs, no cheating, no crimes... All I had to do was follow the actors. The name of the telenovela would be "Amigas" and these shots are from the coffee breaks... And they were many... 

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