
Al is for happy day

Al is for happy day

It was the morning following a gloomy day and night, but it didn’t have to be. It could wonderfully be (and it was, actually) the first morning of an exciting new month. I remembered that Il Mister (a mysterious and gracious figure of Venice, a dear friend who is featuring regularly in my photographic investigations) said to me once that when he was down he was listening to the “L is for Lovers” album by Al Jarreau… Instant lift up. I put the CD on… and it worked. I didn’t have any fresh photographic investigation going on, so I decided to revisit an older one. There are always new things to see with a happier eye. I realised that, as Al says, “we’re in this love (and life) together”. Thank you Al, thank you Mister.

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The Shanghai gesture

The Shanghai gesture

This photographic investigation reminded me the fantastic 1941 film noir with the beautiful Gene Tierney. The only clue that I had was the word “gesture” and although I was very well acquainted with my human subject, I had no idea why I was investigating her for the 100th time… The life of a photographic investigator is full of unresolved mysteries that, just as it occurs in a good film noir, are answered unexpectedly at the end of the film after a plot twist that leaves even the most experienced viewer completely silent. The same thing happened to me at the end of this photographic investigation that “informed” me why it happened the way it happened, at the very end.

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The Samba girls

The Samba girls

Genevieve Behrend said: “Do not be afraid to be your true self, for everything you want, wants you”. The Samba girls were fearless. It was Friday the 13th with a full moon when I decided to publish the results of this photographic investigation and as I was gazing upon them, I realised that I have never photographically investigated subjects that I did not love or admire, even though many times these subjects were strangers to me. The Samba girls I knew well, but in a strange way I found myself in the position to rediscover them again and again, after every photographic investigation. An amazing and extraordinary experience, every time.

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A question of feeling

A question of feeling

I was photographically investigating subjects that were talking about their wishes, their suspicions and fears. And something that Napoleon Hill said came into my mind: “Your subconscious mind recognises and acts upon ONLY thoughts which have been well-mixed with emotion or feeling”. So, I guess, not only we should feel the emotions that our wishes would make us feel, but we should be careful as as well to not let through the emotions that our fears would make us feel… Some photographic investigations are pure studies of the law of life, that is for sure…

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Reflections on Emerson

Reflections on Emerson

Usually I discover the objective of my photographic investigations while investigating my subjects. I have some clues and the general story, but the things I discover by myself (and about myself) are much more valuable. This investigation coincided with my study of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s works and his words "What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you" seemed to fit perfectly to the occasion.

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The Mauna Kea girl

The Mauna Kea girl

I always felt that I was born in Hawaii and my heart belongs to this place. Hawaii is the heart of the world, shining with divine love. When I was little I was thinking that it would be very cool to be an astronomer and work in one of Mauna Kea’s telescopes. Much later I realised the impact of the telescopes on the islands… My last assignment send me back home at the time of the protests about the new gigantic telescope that was about to be build in Mauna Kea. An assignment in a sacred place at a time of such great importance seemed sacred itself. She was one of the protesters and she was the daughter of a great kahuna. The assignment was just a pretext to be in this magical place and breathe the love. Mauna Kea doesn’t really need any protectors but my love was not letting me leave. So I stayed.

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Never far off

Never far off

It was the 15th of August and I was photographically investigating the usual suspects, while preparing myself for a long trip to Rio. I was reading Neville Goddard’s “Prayer: The art of believing” and I found myself reading the same excerpt again and again: “Subjectively, the object of your desire is never far off. Rather, it’s intense nearness makes it remote from the observation of the senses. It dwell’s in consciousness and consciousness is closer than breathing and nearer than your hands and your feet”. Exactly like the objects of my photographic investigations…

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There are no ordinary moments

There are no ordinary moments

A photographic investigator knows that the most extraordinary things happen in what most people call “ordinary moments”. But then, there are no ordinary moments - you have figured that out by now, haven’t you? So extraordinary is ordinary. And vise versa. And although my most prestigious and mysterious assignments take place in exotic or hidden or even mysterious places, in reality my best photographic investigations happen in between assignments…

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That wonderful August

That wonderful August

In reality I am talking about this wonderful August, with it’s sudden cool breeze that made me feel like I was walking on the shore… My subjects were ready to depart for their summer holiday and although their bodies were still here, their thoughts were totally there. I wasn’t investigating anything in particular, it was just a lazy Sunday in between assignments and I was grateful for the summer, for life, the universe and everything…

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Possessed by the Muse

Possessed by the Muse

It was another Venice assignment and my subject was an ethereal pianist that lived there. I was supposed to photographically investigate a magic light that was pouring out of her in these -not so rare- moments when the Muse possessed her. I investigated her luminous presence in Villa Heriot, in Giudecca and her light was the light of pure love. There is a great Law in the Universe, that like attracts like, and her case was the living proof. Her life was filled with harmony, poise, love, abundance and perfect self expression. And I must say that she has been one of my most beloved subjects.

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Since I had to leave the Caribbean to photographically investigate the Lina Ivers case (see previous blog post) I thought that I might as well take care of another assignment, about Vappulin, a new vibrational method that has the ability to help you re-magnetise -in case you have been de-magnetised- all the wonderful things that belong rightfully to you. it is so easy, most people find it impossible to practise. It works differently for everyone, in the sense that everyone has to find their own affirmation that “clicks” , energising in that way the magnetising vibration. My subject used the following: “I am harmonious, happy, healthy and radiant, free from the tyranny of fear. My happiness is built upon a rock”. She said it had miraculous results.

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The strange love of Lina Ivers

The strange love of Lina Ivers

I was on vacation, photographically investigating only the tropical scenery. I was in my beach house in Guadeloupe enjoying a beer in my veranda, eating a spicy carribean curry and watching with some friends a favourite film noir, “The strange love of Martha Ivers”. And then Mathieu, my faithful housekeeper, brought me the bottle. A bottle that was washed on the beach a few seconds ago, right in front of my house - a bottle with a message. My employers always know were to find me - because I let them of course. The message contained some clues about my next subject. One of them was her name, Lina. I was ready to send the bottle back to the Caribbean sea - I was on vacation after all! But some details of my subject’s description and the mystery that surrounded her caught my attention. And once that happens to a photographic investigator, there is no turning back. But I was going to stick to my plan for the night. I was going to call my assignment “The strange love of Lina Ivers” and that would only be the first part of her story. To be continued…

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Once upon a summertime

Once upon a summertime

Her bags were packed for Guadeloupe, in the Carribean. So were my bags. The Carribean was the first stop in the new direction that her career as a romance/mystery novelist was taking… I met my subject the afternoon before her departure in a small coffee shop. She had a one way ticket so I had to book the same flight as her, as I wasn’t about to leave her sight. A long photographic investigation was beginning. But I sure wasn’t complaining…

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Ways of pleasantness

Ways of pleasantness

A photographic investigator knows that “wisdom’s ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace”. And so do her subjects. They all live and work in the four dimensional world, that in this photographic investigator’s reality is in Hilo, Hawaii. Both photographic investigator and subject constantly see miracles and wonders come to pass. (In Hawaii it’s a lot easier.) They interpret them differently, though. My clue for this photographic investigation was written in an old yellow, damaged paper. It was something that Robert Louis Stevenson wrote: “The world is so full of a number of things, I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings”. I instantly knew in which Hilo coffee shop I should go.

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A pearl of great price

A pearl of great price

I was investigating the case of a pearl that was in the possession of a beautiful blonde girl. To buy this pearl one had to sell everything they had, to abandon everything they believed in. The task of the girl was to hand it over to it’s rightful owners. The pearl was one, but at the same there was an endless supply of them.

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The Menu of Life and what to order

The Menu of Life and what to order

The tricky thing with the Menu of Life is not so much WHAT to order, but HOW to order… The menu consists of all the things one can possibly imagine -therefore CAN have- but usually people think that someone must bring to them whatever they choose while they hold in their hands the menu of a self service establishment. Nevertheless, as a photographic investigator, it is my job (and my pleasure) to photographically investigate the efforts of my subjects to order. I always wish that they succeed, but I can’t intervene. You see, there are rules in my profession…

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The Woman in the Tower

The Woman in the Tower

She was born and lived most of her life in this place called the Tower. It was a dreadful place that everybody had heard of, but very few had seen. Except for those who lived in it. A stone prison that gave to the most weak of it’s “residents” a certain kind of security and protection. But to the free humans who found themselves there it was nothing but a prison. Recently though a strong -some called it “supernatural”- lightning storm had destroyed the Tower. Everyone was free. Either they wanted to or not. My assignment was to photographically investigate the survivors, the free ones, the ones who had managed to walked away from the debris. She was among them. Some said that it was her actions that provoked the destruction of the Tower… But it wasn’t my job to find out.

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